-'Hey, my little sweetheart, lunch is ready. Where are you?'
- 'Here,' I replied to my mum.
Following the sound of my hushed voice, she found me on the roof and said in an astonished voice,
-'What are you doing up there?'
-'Shhh! I'm playing hide-and-seek.'
-'I don't care at all. Come down right now.’ Not obeying her definitely made her blood boil.
So, at nine years old, I used to have constant arguments with my mother, particularly when I would play with an Afro-descendant boy. Even completely clueless about racism. I was a champion of racial diversity because the skin colour of my friends didn't matter, whether it was black, white, yellow, or red. After all, a colourful palette is truly stunning, isn't it?
To be honest, I just wanted to have fun with dozens of kids from the neighbourhood. Playing the whole day in front of my house, our favourite activities were playing tag, jumping rope, hopscotch, and so on. Dolls were not my interest; instead, I was fond of exploring trees, walls and roofs. Also, my brother and his buddies would roll down our street with ball bearing wooden carts they had made themselves by them, fly kites, and play football. It was a great time! Keeping our friendships from that time is what makes it even cooler.
The TV shows that focused on children's education had a significant impact on my life, as well. I would watch the ‘Muppet Show’ and ‘Sesame Street’, adapted for the Brazilian audience. However, my favourite one was ‘Sítio do Pica-Pau Amarelo’, a series based on Monteiro Lobato's homonymous book, which through the adventures of the characters on the farm, the author weaves together amazing stories that showed me Brazilian folklore tradition of Saci Pererê, Cuca, the Headless Mule. All of that enchanted me, so I longed to be a part of that magical universe.
Over time, my fascination turned into curiosity, and then I sought to understand the process of creating TV shows, watching all the making-of programs for soap operas, talk shows, and movies. It seemed like a match made in heaven for me to study Radio and TV at the Communication University, where I took classes in photography, screenwriting, production, video editing, image and actor directing. In addition to studying at night, I spent the whole day on the campus, putting into practice what I had learned in class. Truth be told, I had a knack for producing videos and a great passion for sure.
Although it was an enthralling experience, I have never worked at a TV station. After getting my degree, a friend invited me to work for a local newspaper company as a proofreader. Over the course of 20 years, I have been employed there, writing journalistic texts, performing graphic editing, and creating ads. Besides being part of the press officer team for local politicians, developing websites and blogs, creating and publishing content for social media. Doing what you love and getting paid for it is a privilege, isn't it?
It's a common saying that everyone has their own burden to bear, whether it's light or heavy. I have nothing to complain about mine. In hindsight, embracing people and opportunities intensely brought me thriving.
The TV shows that focused on children's education had a significant impact on my life, as well. I would watch the ‘Muppet Show’ and ‘Sesame Street’, adapted for the Brazilian audience. However, my favourite one was ‘Sítio do Pica-Pau Amarelo’, a series based on Monteiro Lobato's homonymous book, which through the adventures of the characters on the farm, the author weaves together amazing stories that showed me Brazilian folklore tradition of Saci Pererê, Cuca, the Headless Mule. All of that enchanted me, so I longed to be a part of that magical universe.
Over time, my fascination turned into curiosity, and then I sought to understand the process of creating TV shows, watching all the making-of programs for soap operas, talk shows, and movies. It seemed like a match made in heaven for me to study Radio and TV at the Communication University, where I took classes in photography, screenwriting, production, video editing, image and actor directing. In addition to studying at night, I spent the whole day on the campus, putting into practice what I had learned in class. Truth be told, I had a knack for producing videos and a great passion for sure.
Although it was an enthralling experience, I have never worked at a TV station. After getting my degree, a friend invited me to work for a local newspaper company as a proofreader. Over the course of 20 years, I have been employed there, writing journalistic texts, performing graphic editing, and creating ads. Besides being part of the press officer team for local politicians, developing websites and blogs, creating and publishing content for social media. Doing what you love and getting paid for it is a privilege, isn't it?
It's a common saying that everyone has their own burden to bear, whether it's light or heavy. I have nothing to complain about mine. In hindsight, embracing people and opportunities intensely brought me thriving.