Through natural disasters, the Earth has been yelling at us for years. So in November, intending to relieve this furiousness, leaders of almost 200 countries took part in the 26ª United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland. Besides discussing actions to halt greenhouse gas emissions by the middle of this century to preserve the environment, they also signed an agreement to ensure compliance to limit global warming to 1,5°C.
Brazil was represented by the minister, Joaquim Leite, who expounded on sustainable development actions to preserve the environment, focusing on incentives and subsidies to innovation and creating green jobs. Thus, the Brazilian government has been adopting different strategies to figure out environmental degradation activities and using alternative energy sources like solar and wind power.
According to environmental groups, who strongly disagree with what was decided by consensus in the conference, it’s absolutely vital to have more forceful and urgent attitudes because the Earth is on the verge of climate collapse. It’s like when the historic floods have occurred in parts of Europe and The United States, wildfires in The United States, and an unprecedented heatwave in Canada.
Although there have been small changed to attitudes such as recycling paper, plastic and glass aid in environmental protection, it’s crucial that those most responsible for global warming, such as The United States and China, stop emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere immediately.
Anyway, as a conscious society, let’s keep on doing our job and demanding sustainable attitudes from all companies.