What do Italians eat in this period? As I wrote in the first part of this article, in my town we celebrate S. Lucia where CRI CRI candies (dark chocolate pralines with crunchy hazelnuts) are very popular.
The most important holidays are December 24-25 and 26. As I’m sure you know, Italy is long and has twenty regions, so when my students ask me to name typical Italian dishes, it is difficult to give a single answer.
The reply could be: "it depends on where we live; in the North, we eat more meat, and in the South, we eat more fish”. For example, I live in the North, and we usually eat lasagna, roast beef with potatoes, tortellini in broth and veal with tuna sauce. And in my house, there's never a shortage of smoked salmon.
From North to South in all Italian families, you can find panettone, pandoro and torrone.
But what do Italians eat on New Year's Eve? The Classic meal is cotechino with lentils. Personally, I cannot stand it but the tradition says that cotechino with lentils brings good luck and money so you have to try !!!