A Sad Story

The story I am writing is personal and, unfortunately, sad.
I don't want to sadden anyone, but I would like to make people understand how sometimes relationships between teacher and student can be natural and human, even behind a screen.
My text is a tribute to a young and intelligent student of mine.
I changed her name to Mary. In 2018 Mary became my student. Previously she had studied Italian at a university in Italy and then returned to America.
She loved Italy and Italian and in order not to lose her knowledge she decided to continue studying with me.
We had a weekly appointment, and over time, we became friends, keeping in touch on Whatsapp. She was young, she told me about her plans, her work, her life. She confided in me, speaking Italian. Unfortunately, a few weeks ago, she passed away from a sudden heart attack.
It was shocking, but there is a reason why I am telling this story.
Fortunately or unfortunately, I have not understood yet; we are living in a virtual world.
This world can be positive or negative; it is up to us to choose. A new language and a new culture get us into people's hearts. People exist; they can be good or bad, we must always be careful, but it is possible to create sincere and deep relationships even between people living in two different parts of the world.
In this case, I have to say thank you to" internet, English and Italian", which introduced me to this wonderful girl and many other great students.
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