I am writing in support of the Guajajara, Terena, Guarani, Kaiowá, Yanomami, and more than 300 other indigenous communities in Brazil. In addition to their differences in traditions, beliefs, and languages, each tribe has a unique way of organising itself socially, politically, and economically. Body ornaments and paintings are worn to distinguish themselves and identify their gender, age, and social status in the village as well.
No matter the differences, they hold a strong bond with their elders' wisdom and live sustainably by only taking from nature what they truly need. But sadly, some of them have been adopting unhealthy eating habits similar to the majority of Brazilians because deforestation has been leading to the devastation of their hunting and fishing spots.
I can hear the sound of over 1.6 million indigenous voices, yelling and struggling to preserve their culture and rights. Some of them chose to remain in isolated forest areas while others decided to live in the cities, working as artisans, doctors, educators, lawyers, social scientists, and politicians. Despite making up only 0.83% of the Brazilian population, they are a tight and strong group, and with support from the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples, they fight against miners and loggers who encroach upon their lands to extract nature's resources illegally.
Brazil is characterised by its wide range of cultural and ethnic communities. Besides the influence of African, European, Middle Eastern, and Asian people, the indigenous also have a significant influence on Brazilian culture, especially when it comes to eating habits and environmental preservation.